Urinary Tract support

VetNaVit Urinary Care

VetNaVit Urinary Care, is a food supplement containing proanthocyanidin-rich cranberry extract and saponin-rich chicory extract developed to support urinary system health in cats and dogs and to ensure the continuity of normal functions.

See features

Usage Advice

Unless recommended otherwise by the veterinarian, 1 pack/day for every 5 kg body weight in cats and dogs should be used directly orally or mixed with food regularly to support the treatment.

Active Ingredients / 1 Pack, 3 g

(2b) Vaccinium Macrocarpon (Kızılcık) ekstraktı: 200 mg
(2b) Taraxacum officinale (Karahindiba) ekstraktı: 1 mg
(2b) D-Mannoz: 75 mg
(2b) Rutin
(2b) Kuersetin
(2b) Hesperidin

Inactive Content

(1.1.18) Sıvı malt ekstresi (arpa)
(13.3.6) Maltodekstrin
(E414) Arabik gum
(E466) Karboksilmetil selüloz
(E422) Gliserin
(2.20.1) Bitkisel sıvı ve katı yağlar
(E202) Potasyum sorbat
(1a700) Sodyum Benzoat
(1c322i) Sıvı lesitin
(2b) Doğayla özdeş ciğer aroması

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